I've had varicose veins for years, They are itchy, sore and painful, especially at the end of the day: And hideous and unsightly! One of the pitfalls of a lifetime of working on my feet. I did go to the doctors but the NHS turned me down for surgical treatment because my legs weren't ulcerated and rotten so that was that. Private elective surgery is for the posh and the wealthy, not for the likes of me certainly! Or is it? Why the hell not? Once the idea had taken hold I did some research into private surgery and decided to take the plunge. This year is very self indulgent and narcissistic!
Obligatory surgical gown selfie! |
These photos don't really show quite how horrible and disgusting my varicose veins were. Not to mention how tired my legs became and how desperate I was to put my feet up at the end of the day just to get relief.
The operation was scheduled for 9th July. I had a local anaesthetic and was discharged in the afternoon. It was surreal chatting to the surgeon about random things while he was cutting veins out of my legs.... and I did make him show me the bits he cut out!!
Post op, as you'd expect, things were NOT pretty!
The following day taking the bandages off |
My timing wasn't the best, wearing full length surgical stockings for a fortnight in mid summer is not ideal... even in England!
9 days on and the bruising is interesting! |
Nurse Simba performing therapy! |
Even with all the bruising I could feel a difference in my legs very quickly. I was back at work the following day
(us self employed folk don't get sick pay!) and the pain was minimal. I'm so pleased I had it done, I wore shorts this summer for the first time since I was a child!
Less than four months later!
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