Fifty things to do before I'm fifty, Getting muddy.

Tough Mudder. This was one of the first things to go on my list when I originally came up with the idea to do the fifty things I've never done before. I'm not going to lie, I lost sleep over this one. 10 miles and more than 20 obstacles.... What the hell was I thinking? I couldn't even run 5k without feeling like I was going to die. How on earth was I going to manage more than double the distance with all the truly daunting challenges along the way? I did train for it, I worked hard at the gym trying to get into shape and be strong enough to take on the obstacles. In spite of that, I was terrified I was going to let everyone down, be an embarrassment to myself and all the people around me especially as the oldest one on the team. There were many times when I nearly bottled it. BUT... this list of mine was never going to be an easy cruise, many of the things on it I've never done because I've been too scared. Time to start facing down those fears! Waitin...