Fifty things to do before I'm fifty, A night at the Opera.

The opera has always seemed rather highbrow. Elegant ladies, men in full penguin attire. Extortionate ticket prices. I'm thinking of the scene in Pretty Woman, designer evening dress and borrowed diamonds. Certainly not really intended for the likes of me! Ticket prices ARE extortionate, especially in London. I went for something a little more provincial at The Ipswich Regent. Still a professional production with a full orchestra without such a hefty price tag. I sound like a mean old skinflint but in truth, if you don't know whether your'e going to love it or hate it the price has to be a consideration. Poor old C volunteered to join me (he can't even bear to pause channel hopping on a musical let alone an opera!) We saw Madame Butterfly. Thanks to Malcolm McLaren, I was a little familiar with the story and music. Ironic that the king of punk has made me familiar with the works of Puccini! The production was a feast for the eyes, the sets and costumes were o...