Fifty things to do before I'm fifty, My Mosque Visit
I don't have any Muslim friends, or even any acquaintances so it was down to Google to find out about visiting a Mosque. It was easier than I thought, one of the first listings from my search was a national initiative called 'Visit my Mosque' Its an annual event and Mosques across the country take part. I'd thoroughly recommend a visit if you get a chance. I chose to visit a Mosque in Peterborough, tying in a long overdue visit with family. A little research led me to the Masjid Khadijah Islamic Centre. Not one with fancy architecture or towering minarets but the one that seemed the friendliest. Before I visited I was trying to analyse why there is such mistrust of Muslims in society. I've always hated the practice of 'tarring people with the same brush'. Of course, the media and hateful newspapers have their part to play; there's no getting away from the drip-feeding of racist scaremongering that has taken place over the past few years. Even the m...