Fifty things to do before I'm fifty, Starting the year in style!

My first proper post on my adventures. Iv'e been so excited to begin this year. I normally find my birthday a rather melancholy time, filled with a strong sense of another unfulfilled year passing, time wasted and old age creeping upon me. This year was a very different story... My daughter, Bee and her great friend Gav decided to call in an old promise I made to him and decided that I needed to experience a proper student night out in Norwich. Very easy for me to agree to, seeing as a visit to Norwich was on my list! I have to admit to being terrified of being the oldest swinger in town at the venue and even more scared of not being able to keep up with the young 'uns. I'm a total lightweight these days where drink is involved and I'm usually tucked up in my bed a long time before they start thinking about going out!! It was a slightly surreal Louis Theroux themed event at Propaganda. The music was truly excellent, exactly my taste and I soon shoo...